Welcome to 2006

Jan 03, 2006 11:01

1. What did you do in 2005 that you had never done before?
Performed in a play.

2. Did you stick to your resolutions and will you make new ones?
I don't make them, but I do have 'wishes' I try to fulfill, and I did fulfill most.

3. Did someone close to you have a baby?
No, but our neighbors down the street are due this month.

4. Did someone close to you die?

5. Which countries did you visit?
Sadly, none.

6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have in 2005?
A wedding. And my front and back yards back to normal.

7. Which day will you always remember?
Exchanging rings at the fountain in Dupont Circle.

8. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Being in the play. Taking a Crystal Reports class. Making dinner from the Rachel Ray cookbook.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I'll get back to you on this...

10. Did you suffer from any diseases or injuries?
Besides the normal bumps and bruises, no. Although I did get little purple stuffed "mono" last month :)

11. What is the best thing you bought?
The house!

12. Whose behaviour would you praise the most?
S who always makes me smile.

13. Whose behaviour disgusted/depressed you?
My father's old friend from high school. My new boss. My sister.

14. On what did you spend most money?
The house. Small vacations. Some car repairs.

15. What made you extremely enthusiastic?
Wedding planning. Thoughts of future parts in plays. Home remodeling.

16. Which songs will always remind you of 2005?
Anthing from The Who's Tommy or Company since I heard those a lot :)

17. In comparison to this time last year, you are...

* … happier or sadder?
Happier, mostly due to having our own house.

* … thinner or fatter?

* … richer or poorer?
Same, still hanging on.

18. What would you liked to have done more?
Travel. Make art.

19. What would you liked to have done less?
Work. Complain.

20. How did you celebrate New Years?
Went to NY and had a low-key evening with family/friends filled with food and music.

21. Who erased question 21?
My boss, the idiot.

22. Did you fall in love in 2005?
I stayed in love :)

23. How many one-night-stands did you have?

24. What was your favorite TV show?
The L Word. Deadwood. Six Feet Under. Iron Chef. Desperate Housewives.

25. Do you hate someone now you didn't hate last year?
The woman on the other side of my cube.

26. What was the best book you read?
Best book this year....probably The Other Bolyn Girl.

27. What was your best musical discovery?
Snow Patrol. Arcade Fire. Goldfrapp.

28. What did you want and actually get?
The house and the part in the play (ok, this is getting repetitive) Oh, and XM radio!

29. What did you want and didn't get?
My smart, nice boss quit. I also wanted a new car.

30. What was your favourite movie?
There were a lot of good movies this year! Best were Harry Potter 4, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Brokeback Mountain, Walk the Line, Batman Begins.

31. What did you do for your birthday and how old did you become?
26. I worked-gah!! But my parents visited from FL, we had a nice dinner with S's parents at Melting Pot, and the following weekend we vacationed in FL.

32. What is the one thing that would have made your year so much more satisfying?
If Bush had been impeached.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion of 2005?
Same as always, stylish but comfortable. Good black shoes.

34. What kept you from going mad?
S. Chocolate.

35. On which celebrity did you have the biggest crush?
A couple of the L Word girls. Idina Menzel.

36. Which political issue bothered you the most?
Gay marriage, or lack thereof.

37. Who did you miss?
A couple of my good friends who don't live close.

38. Who is the best new person you've met?
Gonna have to go with my neighbor across the street, C. She is a barrel of laughs.

39. Tell us a life lesson you learnt in 2005.
- Stand up for yourself, but if you feel it's futile, walk away. No sense getting in trouble for punching someone.


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