It's up to you, New Yawk

Jan 02, 2006 16:05

We got back from our NY trip just after midnight last night and promptly passed out. It was a good trip...


We left Friday morning and it took us 6 ½ hours to get there. Granted, we stopped a couple times for snacks and dog walking (Hazel was with us) and hit a fair amount of traffic around rush hour. We checked into our hotel, the Red Roof Inn in Westbury, Long Island which was very nice. After resting for a bit and settling the dog in, we went to my girl's family friend's house in Port Washington. Port Washington is a very cute, quaint town in Long Island. We had a nice family meal and worked on a puzzle (puzzles and board games are customary on these trips).

And then back to the hotel for the night because the next day would be a long one.


We were up early the next morning to take the train into the city. After some delicious New York bagels, we bought our tickets and were off. It was just starting to snow and we were sitting across from some college kids from Miami who had never seen snow before. They were so excited, it was really cute. Once we arrived at Penn Station, we walked a few blocks to catch a bus to take us uptown so we could visit S's great aunt who owns a little antique store.

We walked past the Macy's windows and displays.

Past Herald Square.

And through Times Square, when the crowds were just starting to get crazy (and this was only around 1pm) You can see the stage where they have live music acts.

Sometimes there are pretty things in NY if you look hard enough.

We bussed it up to 73rd and had a nice chat with S's aunt, and then ate lunch at a diner a couple blocks away. New York of the few types of places that have vanilla egg creams on the menu. Mmmmmm. Then we caught a bus back down to Broadway so we could catch our show.

We walked past the Spamalot theatre, that's next on my list. I love their sign :)

And then on to the St. James theatre to see The Producers!

Ok, so we didn't get to see Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick of course (they're doing The Odd Couple now) But we did get to see Jai Rodriguez from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy! He was awesome!

Yay Jai!

The show was amazingly good and so funny. This is definitely one of my favorite shows now. We had nosebleed seats, but it didn't matter much it was so good. I'd love to see the movie now. When we left the theatre, the crowds were tremendous and we did our best to extricate ourselves from them. It was also sleeting which made things worse. But once we got out of Times Square, things were very pretty. And even though snow was falling, it wasn't even that cold. We made our way back to Penn Station.

Random street picture with sleet falling.

The train got us back around 6:30 and we went out for dinner at CPK by the hotel before going back to Port Washington for New Years Eve activities.

AULD LANG SYNE...with toasted marshmallows

At the house, food was abundant and people were rolling in. We noshed and drank and toasted marshmallows once the fire got going.

We also broke out the neon jewelry.

Later, the younger kids thought they would be helpful and toast everyone else's marshmallows for them. They produced a bowl of toasted marshmallows of varying degrees, melting all over, that no one wanted. lol. Then they thought it would be funny to play the 'fuzzy bunny' game where you stick as many marshmallows as you can in your mouth and still be able to say 'fuzzy bunny.' When I walked into the room, I expected to find a bunch of kids with marshmallows spilling out of their mouths. Instead, I found this guy, one of the fathers.

Then began the sing-along, complete with guitars, a drum, and stringed instruments. We sang various folk and classic rock tunes until about 10 minutes to midnight. Due to the fact that the only working tv was in a small bedroom upstairs, we all packed in to watch the ball drop.

We may have gotten the best seats?

We all counted down the last 15 seconds and toasted with champagne.

And of course...

Yes, we have glitter on our faces.
We stayed until around 1:30 and then went back to the hotel.


Our heads hit the pillow just after 2 (alright, so this was a bit of an early new years for us, but whatever). We fell right asleep and then SIREN! SIREN! SIREN! FIRE ALARM!!! Yep, there was a fire alarm in the hotel at 2:30am. S tells me she's going to get the dog as we throw on some warmer clothes. I had forgotten my glasses (the ONE thing I forgot) and decide I need to stick in my contacts and go. Only, I use the contact solution that bubbles and turns into water after a 6 hour period, but until then, it's hydrogen peroxide. I'm more asleep then awake and put a contact in and SCREAM IN WRETCHED PAIN. I don't recommend ever putting hydrogen peroxide in your eye. Take it from me, it hurts. So I frantically get the contact out (oh, I'm awake NOW!) and grab S's arm since I'm blind and we run down the stairs (thank goodness we were only on the 2nd floor out of maybe 8) with the dog crying and whining because of the noise and get in the car to wait it out. Thank god it only lasts 10 minutes. False alarm, damn kids.
We crawl back into bed.


We check out and go back to Port Washington. Brunch is all set up and so we enjoy more yummy NY bagels and mimosa. S & I take a short walk to enjoy the town and the snow lightly sprinkled on everything. We play Apples to Apples with the crowd at the house and work some more on the puzzle. We go out for dinner at a really good Mediterranean place and then bid our adeuis. It took us 5 hours to get home considering there was no traffic and less stops. We got home at 12:30am and passed out until 11 this morning.

So that was the trip! Hope you all had a good new year!

theatre, travel, family, health, events

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