Feb 07, 2006 14:36
this branch is so boring i cant believe it. I mean, i've only had a few customers total today. yeesh...sooooolets see...whats up with me.....nadadad...in other words, nothing. c'mon. i have only had a couple customers today. ok, more then two. but not very many. i hate being this slow!! woah...so, whats new with me? anyone interested? didnt think so. so here it is!
friday i went to missoula with lelas mom. It was also my last day of work up at the main branch...and within the last 10-15 minutes of my shift. my day sucked! i had been having a really good day up until then,. like i was cheery and bouncy and all that garbage but then...marykate went on break, and we got busy. i had asked lindsey to call marykate and have her come up and help morgan and i out...lindsey never did and i didnt get the chance to. so i went to help someone and hejust started yelling at me! how rude! "WHAT THE HELL TOOK SO DAMN LONG!?" which of course instantly pissed me off. and lets just say he ended up complaining to the Vice president about me. oh well, no big deal. then i went to missoula with lelas mom... her and i had a good time chatting in the car. then i had a really good time with lela, cynthia, and sandy. friday night chat with lela. then halfway through saturday lela got into a bad mood and that was not so fun. but whatever. then i dont remember what i did....hmn...i cant remember anything. i'vespent way to muchn money lately, so i basically cant do anything unless its going to be really cheap. thought we lost pete there for a second actually, it was more of like a day. but he's home. i think he's been going home at night or something. little shit. so im going to go since im still at work. bye!