May 28, 2004 13:12
One: So I have moved into a new apartment with a room mate to help with the costs. I think this works out quite nicely, he's a nifty guy and this is a rather swank apartment. Granted, it's in the same building and only three doors down away from my old apartment, but things just seem neater here.
Two: My brother and little sister are graduating from their respective schools this year, so hopefully that time off i requested gets approved. I don't know what the hell I would do with myself if I missed out.
Three: Fast, fast internet. 'Nuff said. :D
Four: I forgot what four was...
Five: The piercings are healing marvelously. It's only been about a week and there have been absolutely no problems at all. Shirts don't bother me at all, but there are little reminders every now and then that tell me, "Hey! I'm not done patching up this hole yet!" :]