May 11, 2004 02:18
We've extended our store hours to midnight, so I've been getting home later then usual... it's really not so bad, just the fact that it gets REALLY boring during those extended hours. Y'see, no one knows that we're open until midnight, and it's not even on the reader board or anything. It's all word of mouth. Dunno how long that's gonna last, but so far it *kind of* works. About 5 or so customers would come in after hours and be totally caught off-guard. "What, you mean you're STILL open? 'The hell is going on here?!?"
Mr. Boltz got transferred to the store on 82nd and Holgate... we've been hagin quite a high turnover rate for managers lately. Steve-o transferred to the Raleigh Hills one, Ms. Fletcher transferred out of here last month to Fisher's Landing, getting more new managers in here, not to mention a couple of regular employees too. Nothing like the group i started working with a year an' a half ago. But the only constant is change, so it's been really interesting here at the store as of late. At least I get to be in photo more again. Wheeee!
Got some Whip Cream Pocky today (on sale!) at Uwajimaya. Damn, and I thought they couldn't improve on the already grand concept of just chocolate (or other flavours) dipped biscuit sticks.