Jun 08, 2006 13:10
My life is dull and unfulfilling at the moment. I can't afford new books (not at the rate I romp through them) or games (expensive!). Cooking is cheap and easy though, and the less money I have the more I need to cook. Eating out in London is either prohibitively expensive or seriously unhealthy.
My diet is simple, yet I rarely see cookbooks out there where I would cook more than one or two of the recipes. My book shall be called some variation on the following:
Meals for Meat-Lovers
No Coriander - Guaranteed!
You can probably guess what's in it. Now that I have an excuse I might actually go out and adapt some new recipes instead of rotating the same ten meals round and round and round...
What I can cook so far:
Steak + creamy pepper sauce
Chicken Tikka
Various types of curry which are mostly distinguished by altering the amount of tomato or coconut.
Chicken Gnocchi Bake (mascarpone-based, kind of stolen from my bf's mum)
Chicken Pasta Bake (tomato-based)
Bolognese sauce
Carbonara sauce (not really, but I'm going to make some from scratch any day now)
Cheese sauce
Chicken and Mash (This needs a better name)
Roast chicken or beef.
Beef/Pork/Chicken in Black-bean sauce
Anything that involves a deep-fat fryer (I think I'll leave these out of the book - 1. Get chicken. 2. Insert into deep fryer.)
Now I just need to pick a target audience and and a hook.
Or I could not bother and just post recipes here with authentic hand-drawn diagrams. That sounds much more entertaining.