Title: Lavender Bunny (SMM Universe)
Section: Eight
Pairing: Yoosu (Jaeho)
Section Rating: R
Overall Rating: NC-17
i still hold
ranalore responsible for this mess.
Synopsis: A continuation of the relationship between Yoochun and Junsu from
So Much Mine. Once again, hot pretty boys, music, dancing and sex. Not necessarily in that order.
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but i've saved all this into doc. file *still having problem with the internet connection*
you are not waiting for my comments but just to let you know... i'll be back and tell you what i think..just because i love commenting on ur works (even when i'm so running out of praising words already)... ^^
oh.. that last sentence by Jae *is sensitive esp. when it comes to Jae* omg..you make him so manly and.. loveable!.. *hugs*
YooSu should really check their hearts (if not brain) sometimes... *pleh*
adore and smooches :) ♥♥♥
*am reading it amidst the chaotic situation i'm in*
yunho did try very hard to manage to be the leader and a friend. sometimes that's hard. :) ♥ and he does love jaejae....who wouldn't but he did try to give min some diginity.
min needs some time... to explore who he is :) so it'll be okay.
yoosu...ah, the yoosu. they are insane and obtuse :) ♥♥
i'm glad you liked this. thank you for liking it! :::hugs::: and thank you! ♥
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