Title: Lavender Bunny (SMM Universe)
Section: Eight
Pairing: Yoosu (Jaeho)
Section Rating: R
Overall Rating: NC-17
i still hold
ranalore responsible for this mess.
Synopsis: A continuation of the relationship between Yoochun and Junsu from
So Much Mine. Once again, hot pretty boys, music, dancing and sex. Not necessarily in that order.
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*toss away all the printed out papers and start typing comments*
first of all, let me say just how much i was once again attracted to your works... i admit that i'm kinda ... less ... enthusiastic reading, not because it's uninteresting but mainly because it's a non-JaeHo work.. *shy* but as said, i am a 'total wedspawn's fan' and there goes me reading the whole updates and now, i'm addicted.
this LavNBun.. thought it's from the same SMM universe and i guess you're using the same writing style but it's still very different. how do i say... uhm... it's the story's plots and the characters' mapping..
SMM... it's a story told that revolve most (if not all) around that two main characters and their own little world of LOVE...
LavNBun... i don't know how to put it but it's .. more DRAMATIC ... while reading SMM, it gave me a 'breathless' feeling.. sometimes their sentiments were so thick that it'll chock me if i'm not careful but LavNbun..it was like i'm watching a TV drama of two men whom are very unsure and insecure..so far, it's not chocking me..this doesn't mean it's not as good as SMM..but as said by YooSu...they don't need those love that might threatened to kill..it gave me a seemingly complex but yet so direct and simple love kind of feeling...(omg..i don't even know what i'm spazzing about now..*dies*)
anyway..throughout the chaps.. i'm getting more and more excited of how everything will turn out and everyone will become..
*hugs you breathlessly*.. i love you more and more (i guess you know it already) for all the JaeHo appearance here in LavNBun! as JunSu put it... they are married.. in SMM, they seems to be two child exploring the world of love ... darting forward without any clue but in LavNBun, their role kinda switched from the lost child to someone who gives comfort and advice when the younger ones needed it..
from the very first chap (or should is say from SMM?) ... till now..both have been totally attached to each other but are too confused of how they feel (or too scared?)... i'm enjoying their push and pull so far (nope..i'm not THAT bad..but hey..they have to have enough time to figure ne? ^^)
i'm glad you include Minnie here.. thought his intention in trying out with Su is a bit..uhm... taken me by surprise but i think everyone needs to understand just how love works or trying to work it out.. it's sad reading that part where Min was argueing with Jae.. we all understand just why Jae wants to hinder Min from his action..and we all are sad knowing that Min was hurting Jae..but i think we are most sad when we realise that..Min was hurt just as much..(seriously..i'm spazzing)
to summarise my feeling...
LavNBun gave me a totally different view in relationships..SMM chocked me with JaeHo's thick and mushy love and LavNBun gave me hopes.. it's like... nomatter how someone is reacting in the world of love... at the end of the day..they'll realise what they've missed and come around...it's not ending but i guess..knowing you.. happy ending is instore? ^^
sorry for the lllooooooong spazz of nothing..but that's really what i gotta say after reading the whole 8 chaps..
btw...you gals are having a meeting up this Sun ne? hehehe..i'll not be there cuz i'm tooooo far away... but my unnie.. Fujis will be there and i told her to hug you for me.. and you..hug her for me ne? *giggles*
::::whispers:: you know there are 10 chapters right? :::grins:::
when i first started LavBun, i knew that it would be different. i've used the analogy between jaeho and yoosu as the difference betwen a firestorm and a tree. jaeho is very passionate and consuming where as yoosu is a seed planted and then putting down roots before stretching a canopy of leaves out....and offering shade and shelter.
SMM really was about that firestorm of LOVE... and LavBun.. yes... it is the tree of drama and exploration :) LB does show the growth of Jaeho and how they are now...connected and working from their foundation. they didn't have that foundation that yoosu has already... but yoosu needs to discover the trust in love. :) strangely enough, jaejoong's faith in yunho is what drove yunnie to accept his love. so that needs to grow. :)
changmin... i wanted to involve him and show his perspective of a young man who isn't ready for forever but feels like he wants... love. wants that affection. and might just want to explore. :) i tried so very hard to make sure that the fight with jae was done in a way that there was no bad guy...and no good guy. there were no sides to take... it was all about... the reality of how they felt and how they were going to get over it. :) or work towards it. :D
and no, you can spazz all you like.
i shall give fujis a hug for you. so many kisses. and snuggles! ::::hugs:::: hearts and bunnies!
*am reading it amidst the chaotic situation i'm in*
so, i've just finished ur section 9 and 10 and all that i can say...i'm speechless and you left me breathless...
YunHo... the leader, the lover and the maturity in him totally shine in this chap... i mean..i'm glad he didn't push Min to a corner and beat the hell out of him for hurting his Jae nor did he try to force Min into believing something other than the truth about the man he loves.. he handlest he situation well... and i know i sound stupid but i shed some tears at the point where he was pointing out just how much heart Jae has poured throughout the years into loving Minnie, the man he wished to be...it hurts so deeply knowing just how bad a life Jae has endure previously..and am glad Yunnie is there now...
Minnie... he is a smart young man but his naivity or should is say maturity? ... gave him this ego that is hard to scrape away.. he wants things the way he wants it but i guess it's time now he learn how to take more things into the picture..
YooSu... so so so glad both are open enought to accept the truth that they love each other too much to let go...despite all the worries clouding their head... at least it's a move forward ... again, it's not some passionate love making nor it is something as crazy as the JaeHo..but i love it how they compromise into giving each other their soul...being the mate...
honey...i love love love love love this!
yunho did try very hard to manage to be the leader and a friend. sometimes that's hard. :) ♥ and he does love jaejae....who wouldn't but he did try to give min some diginity.
min needs some time... to explore who he is :) so it'll be okay.
yoosu...ah, the yoosu. they are insane and obtuse :) ♥♥
i'm glad you liked this. thank you for liking it! :::hugs::: and thank you! ♥
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