Feb 27, 2004 03:25

Recently I feel like I have learned a lot about the people I am friends with or the friends I used to be friends with. On my good friends journal someone that I was friends with left a message saying she doesn't get why we worry about the friends we have now anyways because we won't have them forever. Well I think that is bullshit because you can decide whether you want those people in your life or not. Even if I am not friends wiht them later on in life they are here for me now anyways and I think if I didnt have the friends I do I would go crazy. But I have learned also is you cant worry what people think of you because they obviously don't even know you or just want to put you down so they will feel better. People will always have an opinion about you and I guess thats something everyone needs to deal with. But we can choose to listen to it or not. I used to try to follow the opinions I had heard about myself and actually made them true. And that was wrong of me I am totally different person I was a few months ago and I dont want to put up with the bullshit opinions I hear. I just know life is never fun if you argue all the time so eliminate the people you do that with and trust me you will be a lot happier!

Well I just really wanted to say that and I hope people will realize what I am talking about.
But anyways lets get away from all the fighting...
Well I have been sick for about 4 months now and I finally have figured out whats wrong! I have a viral infection and I might have pneumonia (i have no idea how to spell get over it) I will know in a couple of days though. The doctor excused me from school for a couple of days and swimming for a month so I dont have to swim! YES!!!!!!!!! But I am about to go crazy sitting at home all by myself I think I have started talking to myself a lil bit! lol Well leave me notes even if I dont know who you are!
I Love Tommy!
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