Sep 18, 2005 15:33
Ever have one of those experiences where, you have this constellation of symptoms that suggest that you should seek medical care. But one does not want to seek medical care because... well because one feels silly. But eventually, one feels poorly enough to seek that medical care. And sure enough, one is going to pull through with a combination of OTC and prescription drugs, and does not face a health crisis. And one feels silly. The medical caregiver, however, was very nice, very thorough, and said "You did the right thing."
It's sunny here, but somehow not warm. But that could just be me, cuz I've been sitting in the sun. In a sweater. And am still cold. Something's off with my body. The nurse took my temp in my ear, said, "That can't be right," took the temp again and said "Huh. 95. Weird." and brought me a heated blanket. I'm going to go hunt up a cup of tea...