I've finally started putting together my invitations! We ordered
these invites from LCI Paper (who were awesome, by the way) and FH has been handling the printing because he has the patience for things like that. I've been addressing them with a pretty metallic purple pen that matches the pretty metallic purple lining. Its much less tedious than I thought it would be.
Because we have a lot of out of town guests, and not all of them are computer savvy, I feel like I need to have enclosures talking about travel arrangements. Exactly how much information do I need to include?
I'm leaving bags in hotels for guests, and those will cover the getting around town/things to do issues. Since not everyone is staying together I figure I'll include a well-labeled map of the small town, so that they can find their way to the ceremony site from wherever they might be. Directions from there to the reception will be in their programs. But do I need to add in info about airports? Hotel blocks? Directions from the airport to the hotel?
What did you do?