
Dec 27, 2010 19:04

Ok, so I joined this community about a year and a half ago, to help my mom with planning her second wedding. At the time, I was not expecting to get married again, even though I have been with my fiance for a long time. But, on Christmas Eve, at our family party, he gave me a ring, and asked me to marry him! Of course I said yes. I'm excited. And I wanted to share it. So here's my official intro post to the community!

Name and/or LJ userID: Susan/ merlina30
Wedding Date: Undecided, but likely late 2011, or 2012
Bride/Groom/Other (please specify): Bride
Age: 36
City/State/Country you live in: Oregon
City/State/Country you're getting married in (if different): same
Your song/First Dance song: Undecided
Wedding Colors: Undecided, but likely some shade of purple, with a complimentary color or two
Formality: Undecided
Theme (if you have one): Don't have one, at least not yet!
Number of guests: Probably around 50
How'd you meet your fiance?: Online
How long have you been together?: It'll be 9 years in February
Do you have a personal wedding website?: No
Have you read the community rules before posting this survey and do you agree to follow them? Yes
Anything else you'd like to tell us?:Not right now.
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