
Jan 26, 2010 00:39

Thank you all for proof reading our invitations, I sent all changes to our artist. They are going to be wonderful!
I was talking to my mom, and she got me quiet confused about presents.
So, in Russia a couple is usually already in the restaurant when guest come, so everyone sort of comes to a couple and gives a present, which is later put away in some corner.

I am all confused now, and my guests are asking... So, we enter the room after everyone is seated. Then maybe a dance or just eat, I dunno yet. Anyway, what do we do with presents? Do we set a table for them(and put a mock-gift box on it?), do we organize some sort of a line or ritual when people can come and give a present? And what do guests do with these presents during the ceremony? Not all of them will have their own cars.
What about guests who want to give money? How do we take care of them? Are these beautiful "card boxes" that you ladies are making for cash and gift cards, or for what?

I know, wedding is not gift-grabbing, gift are not required, etc, but my side of the family already informed me that they will get us something, and more likely cash. My BM just asked me where to store gifts, too. Please, help.
P.S. Got another bunch done in a short time, another progress post?



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