Thank you!
First off, I want to thank y'all for paying close attention to the rules. I don't know if it's because we've beat them into your brains or what, but I have been impressed with the LACK of mod comments we've had to make lately. Thank you guys so much - y'all really make this community enjoyable. :-)
Using net speak:
It's also been brought to our attention that there's been an influx in net-speak in here lately and it can sometimes be difficult to read/understand post or comments. As a matter of common curteousy, we ask that you try your best to write in normal English. We know that not everyone is a native English-speaker and a lot of people are used to writing in internet-speak in their personal journals, so all we ask is that you try your best. If your post/comments are littered with
l33t sp34k or shorthand words, it may be difficult for people to understand what you're writing. If people can't understand, then they won't give a lot of feedback or advice! I've been tripped up by a few comments recently too, and honestly, if it takes me five minutes to decipher a one-paragraph comment, I'll probably lose interest and give up before replying. :-)
Spam bots:
We've had an increase in spam bots recently, and while LJ Abuse is working their hardest to kill them, sometimes a couple slip through and post in WP. If you see a spam post (they're pretty obvious!), feel free to send one of us mods a PM/e-mail with a link to it. In case we're not refreshing WP every five minutes, the PM/e-mail will alert us to the problem and we'll get to it as fast as we can! :-) Unfortunately, we can't premptively ban the spam bots, so unless we go to moderated membership (which we have no intention of doing!), the spam will get through from time to time. Once we're aware of the spam post, we immediately delete the post, mark the user as spam so LJ Abuse knows about it and ban that user from the community.
Thanks again for making this community run so smoothly!