Future Mother In Law: The Flip Side

Jan 14, 2009 07:39

Mods, delete this if it isn't appropriate.

I was wondering if there are any other brides who feel like their FMIL is 100x better than bio or otherwise-mom when mom is still in the picture.

This thought process started at the beginning of all this wedding business due to FMIL living 20 minutes away, vs. my mom living 3 hours away, and my mom developing a major paranoia about this. Then, I just shrugged it off to her 5 year old Older Daughter-Empty Nest Syndrome. But lately, I've come to realize things about my mother, and my FMIL has just stepped up to the plate marvelously.

FMIL bought me a 5 month Y membership for Christmas so that I could take Yoga (something I've wanted to do for about a year now). I still haven't gotten a present from my family. Whenever I see her, she's genuinely inquisitive about the wedding planning, my work, our house, vs. my mom, who only cares about how it relates to her (She only cares that we have a guest bedroom set up for her in our house). And the list goes on.

I just find myself feeling almost guilty about 'replacing' my mother, but then on the flip side, knowing that distancing myself from my mother is a healthy thing. I'm also really excited that they are so much closer throughout this process and then to bask in the eventual post-married glow, whereas with my mom, I probably would have died of frustration a while ago.

FH's family is just so much more laid back on so many things than mine. They have a throw down and celebrate kind of attitude, when mine has a "What can we find wrong in this picture?" attitude.

I know there aren't answers to this since I didn't really pose a question. I'm just looking for validity and people going through similar things.

fmil, family drama

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