Aug 25, 2008 20:31
So I come to the collective diversity and knowledge of the Wedding Plan-ners with a couple questions...
1. Can you please share with me any cultural, ethnic, and/or religious wedding traditions that you are using, have used, have heard of, have seen done, etc? I've been gathering a number of them, but I'm certain there are some I'm missing. And I'm curious to know how things are done outside "my" world. :-D
2. How would one tell her father that she doesn't want him to walk her down the aisle? My situation is complicated by the fact that my father thinks he's been the world's greatest dad and doesn't/won't see all the things he's done in our (my siblings' and my own) lives to cause us confusion, pain, and/or hurt. I want him to be there. And I want my mom (who is AMAZING) to walk me down the aisle. But how do I tell him this?
Thanks everyone! This community is such a joy!