Jul 05, 2007 16:40
One of the things I love about this community is that there are many different faiths and spiritual paths represented. My FH and I were both raised Catholic and are having a Catholic service. We're technically Catholic, but neither of us agree with a lot of the Church's positions and the conservative direction it is heading. We've both actually considered converting to Judaism for a whole host of reasons. One of the things I've really liked reading about is the Ketubah. I'm thinking about incorporating it into our ceremony. We're lucky pecause the priest is a friend of FH's family and is really progressive in terms of some of the more strict practices. He's going to let us make communion available to everyone, not just the Catholics. Otherwise we aren't having Communion.
Anyways, has anyone who isn't having a Jewish ceremony incorporated something like the Ketubah into their ceremony, and if so, then how?
ETA: I don't care about your views on Communion. That's not the point of my post. So if all you have to add is that you're a better/true/real Catholic, good for you, but keep it to yourself.