
Oct 29, 2008 23:47

 i'm going to have to say that i'm sick of school
i'm ready to be graduating and buying a cutesy apartment and filling it with ikea things
jo says that school was never my deal & i agree one hundred percent
although i am doing well in all of my classes, 
but i am not liking the fact that no one posts grades on ctools
i am already tired of reading about saving the world, i would like to go do it

thanksgiving, hurry up
december 9, hurry up
but after that go reaaaal slow until jan 7
damn son i am almost 19, we are getting old already

jo wants a facebook & i think it's hilarious
i almost want to give her one because i would love to see what she writes on people's walls
but then again, she would call me every 5 minutes to be like "so and so is dating this person!!!!" "jfiea;nd has slutty pictures!!!!"
it would be never ending

also i am either going insane lately or my room makes really weird noises that i never noticed before
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