Jan 30, 2010 12:36
I keep waking up with songs in my head, as if they were just being played in the background. If I'm lucky? It's a song I love! Like one of the songs from a musical or a movie such as Robots. But when I'm not? It's that new song by Ke$ha. While I'm not saying I dislike or like the song it is rather annoying since I don't know all the words and all I get is a reply of maybe five to six seconds of it. So I find myself putting something else on just to get it out of my head. I have come to depend on my playlist.com account. I made it for role playing purposes. I always listened to music when I was on the computer and even taught my self how to type faster by trying to keep up with songs on the radio. So it just made sense to me. I have play lists that are themed for my different characters. They help me get into the mid set of things.
There are only two draw backs to the site, it doesn't have every song I've searched for, and each play list only allows for 200 songs. Yes I'm one of those crazy music fanatics out there that must have any and all songs they love. These include but are not limited to: Operettas, Scores, Game songs, Game scores, Musical sound tracks, Musical scores, and really anything that is either sung, played, jammed to, or causes musical orgasm of the ear in general.
So today I have a feeling that not only will we continue to have running water, but we will have warm, even hot water for the first time in years here. Ah the luxuries people have that they take for granted. For instance taking a warm to hot shower when ever they feel like it.
So, I am slowly and steadily catching up to the current Fringe season. I love when I get obsessed with something for a while. I tend to put my all into it and just dive right in until I have finished it to my satisfaction. I love the fact that Joshua Jackson is on a Scifi series. It makes my various geek like sides happier than they have been in a while. I am of course a Scifi geek to the -nth degree. I am also an early Mighty Ducks geek. I was originally interested in the movie because of Emilio Esteves, but then I saw the leader of the Ducks. My heart has been a flutter ever since. He's been one of the few actors that I have been able to watch and grow up with them in a sense. The others are Elijah Wood and Sean Astin. Of course some are older than myself by some years but that doesn't mean I didn't find some sort of connection with them. Ah yes.
I've been actively interested in the opposite sex since I can remember. It is only in my recent teen and now adult years that I have grown an attraction to women. But really only in a mild sort of way. I wouldn't be apposed to the idea of falling in love with another woman but it's not as if I would be actively looking for it. I like men more in fact. Now whether or not I have actually had any experiences with a woman other than a kiss here and there I will not divulge. At least not to you right now.
Did I ever mention that there's this honey mustard dipping sauce at Whataburger? If I didn't then I'm doing so now. It is extremely addictive. I have dreams about it on a regular basis. It was my mother's idea originally to get it and ever since then I find myself wanting to go to Whataburger just to get the thirty five cent tub of it.
I really love spending time with my mom and brother. I guess it's because it's easy to be me and I don't have try to play pretend or anything. It's easy for now and until we're out of here that's how I'm going to play it. It's hard enough dealing with the political situation of my father's side of the family. I don't need extra baggage from people I honestly won't be keeping in touch with once I leave.
There are those who may think I'm selling myself short. But guess what? You're not me, so don't try and think that you know me or know what makes me happy. Okie dokie? Good, I'm glad we're in agreement.
Today I'll be doing some picture editing! IT's for a new role play I'm joining in one of the guilds I'm in on Gaia. I also need to finish work on the Adult Forum and start my work on the other things I need to do. Tomorrow I hope to be able to post for my two role plays that need my reply.
By the way, rocking out to music and making puppets sing? Awesome family time. Don't agree? Fuck you.
Well I think that's it for now. I think I'm going to try and kidnap my brother to get food and then work on the Adult forum. It's about time we finish it.