Feb 26, 2007 01:03
quelle suprise, who would've guessed i'd be back again? i've been quicker to get depressed lately, mostly about myself. i swear, i'm not meant to have a healthy relationship with food, i used to over eat, then under, then over again. i mean i'm feeling really out of control with my eating habits and i just want to gain back that feeling of never having to eat. and guess what? my hair started falling out again anyways so whatever. if i die, i might as well look good doing it. but the real turning point came when my jeans barely fit the other day. i'll be damned if i can't fit into my own godamned pants. so back to the regular regime and goals, from about the same place i left off. first off i'm starting a two(three?) day fast to shrink my stomach down, then i think i'll start eating little bits at a time again. let's see where this goes hmm?