Feb 05, 2007 12:50
i'm in a really blah mood. like, i haven't been actively self loathing, and i have been feeling generally better but mleh *groans* i'm just so bored. and i feel really fat x.x (mostly because of lunar influence but still, eating habits ._.') but yeah, my hair's not falling out as much so i guess i don't really have the grounds to complain. anyways, i've been imbolc-inspired and am going to start developing my witchy ways and simply bettering myself. i'm going to start eating and hopefully better again (probably following a weight watchers plan because i think that's the only way i can have an actual healthy relationship with food x.x and that way hopefully i'll lose a little bit of weight too ^.^') and just put more effort into myself, because i've gotten rather lazy with how i present myself (i haven't worn clips in forever v.v) so i'm going to do my hair and try and make my wardrobe more interesting, <.< i'm considering even wearing a skirt once a week. oh, and i want to actually go on dates with mohit! >.< and if he still wants to get me a birthday/christmas/winter solstice gift, i'm going to request the pentacle necklace i saw at spencer's. <3 speaking of which, magic-wise i'm going to try and meditate/ground and center everday, as well as make sure the energy flow in my room isn't as congested (aka clean it up =.=) and possibly even set up an altar. plus i want to stop being late so often, and i'm getting better. ^.^' but yeah, i'm hoping to research, plan, and try out different methods of improving myself until beltane, when i'll religiously put my improvements into practice (and i'm going to take that oppurtunity to cleanse myself not to mention avoid sexual contact at all costs on beltane seeing as that's a time for fertility/new life, which i'm not hoping for @.@ maybe i'll just plant a seed or something >.>) that way my habits will be developed by the spring equinox because it's twenty-one days after. ^-^ so yes, lots of work and change for wongie. but i shall have fun... oh how i shall have fun, not to mention i'll just be all around better. it'll be worth it. ^.~