Hypocrite? I think not...

Mar 20, 2008 15:38

A while ago I posted about my fear and not so loathing of the social networking mediums like myspace and such that I held at a distance. So...I'm on facebook, twitter, livejournal, myspace, linkedin and some new one I can't even pronounce. Does that make me a hypocrite? Not really.

Part of me still feels like the freshman waiting to hear about the rumors about me in the high school hallways. Hoping I don't say something that causes me to get the proverbial swirly or wedgie. Why is it every torture device in high school ended in an "ie" sound? Swirly, wedgie...etc?

I digress. I'm not a big fan of dumping every small instance I had on a daily basis and only really want to post something when I feel it's a solid idea enough to put out there.

Again, all my blogs are public thought. I don't care if you respond and I have no expectations of "if you don't respond I'll spank you by kicking you off my list of friends". I think that is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. I have over 100 friends on livejournal, thousands on myspace, and I'm growing those numbers on twitter and facebook. I could literally spend and entire day... responding.

You had a bad day at work, are going out with friends or what not...if you wouldn't tell a total stranger...then set your blog to private and get some muscle bound bit of code to stand outside the door of your blog with a clip board and ear piece to only let in those who are cool enough, dressed in the right outfit or have paid him/her off enough to get a sneak peak into your world of normal.

I welcome anyone and everyone to respond to my ideas, out put and whatever. Just remember, you can have an opinion...I just don't have to agree with you. And vice versa. I welcome debate. I welcome conversation. I welcome you to ignore the hell out of me if you don't feel that my thirty seconds of text offers you any kind of insight at to my point of view. Because that's really what this all is about right? Me blogging on my point of view on life, the universe and everything?
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