It's a post-Potter world now

Jul 15, 2011 13:07

Just got back from seeing it and feeling kinda down. I had intended to see the movie with some friends but they all either didn't respond or couldn't go, but in the end I'm glad I saw it alone because it's a private experience.

Here be major spoilers:

At the moment there's nothing in it that REALLY annoyed me, and apart from PS and DH1 that's unusual for me. There's usually something. Some things were changed, but nothing jumped out at me like, "WTH?"

They killed off Griphook and I think Lavender too (was it Lavender that Greyback killed?) but I can live with that as they are minor characters.

My favourite bits were in there: Neville killing Nagini, Molly's "Not my daughter you bitch!", Hagrid carrying Harry.

I loved Luna's, "Harry Potter, you listen to me!" and McGonagall directing the troops (especially her gleeful, "I've always wanted to use that spell." Lol!)

I was slightly disappointed with the bit where Harry talks to Ron and Hermione before going into the forest. There was emotion but there should have been even more, especially from Ron who didn't even hug Harry or anything. There was just a look between them. They should have tried to stop him more, needed more persuading.

Neville's speech was good but I think J.K.'s version of him shouting, "Dumbledore's Army!" was better. I wish they'd had that line in there.

But, of course, the best thing in this movie in the end was Snape. Alan Rickman was fantastic! There were several bits I cried at - Snape's death, Fred's death, Remus and Tonks' deaths - but the saddest bit of all was definitely when Snape found Lily's body. Alan did that so perfectly and to see Snape, this character who's usually so together, fall apart like that was so powerful.

During the opening it felt slightly strange to think that I was actually watching a new Potter film, but I've had that feeling with past films too. The epilogue, as with the book, made me uncomfortable because I don't like flash forward epilogues that show the child characters all grown up. I don't like to imagine them any older than their twenties. Thematically I see that the epilogue was a good idea, it's just a personal preference. And when the credits started rolling I wanted to cry about it being over but didn't because I was in a public place.

I expect I'll see it again soon. I always need two viewings to really get a sense of the Potter films. It didn't feel like two hours and ten minutes at all. I'm feeling more anticipation towards Pottermore now. It was a smart move really on Jo's part, announcing Pottermore before the movie came out, because it helps to stop it feeling like it really has ended. There's still one more thing to look forward to anyway. :) And hopefully there'll be A Very Potter Threquel. And who knows, maybe she'll write something else. Whether it's Potter or not, I'll read it.

Edit: I've just thought of something. I don't think the movie explained why Harry could choose to go back after being killed by Voldemort. Unfortunately I may have to take back what I said about there being nothing in this movie that really bothers me. I can't stand plot holes.

Let me know what you guys think of it when you've seen it.
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