Pre Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 thoughts

Jul 15, 2011 02:32

Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock I will be sitting down at my local cinema, with a full audience by the looks of their website, to watch the last ever installment of Harry Potter. No more books, no more movies - or at least not unless J.K. revisits it in the future. It's been one heck of a ride and Harry Potter has become a major part of my life, and I hope will continue to be so. I will await the launch of Pottermore and hope that there will be more things to anticipate in the future, whether that includes a new book or not. If there is another book I want it to come about because Jo had an idea that she just had to write, not because she deliberately sat down to think of a new story because people were clammering for it. I think the difference in quality would be noticeable. (I just hoping that Pottermore is not going to be instead of the promised Scottish book.) To my LJ friends, all of whom I have met through Harry Potter, it has been a pleasure to know you and while I don't comment much, or post much to my own LJ anymore, I do check my friends list on a daily basis.

All that remains is to wish you all a very happy Harry Potter viewing, hope that the movie won't disappoint, and to make sure to read (and possibly write) plenty of fanfiction in the future to fill the void. Be sure to post your thoughts on the movie once you've seen it.

Happy Harry Potter Day everybody!
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