We here at
webscape are generally really lax in the way we handle things, but to ensure we all play nicely we have a few rules we'd like our members to follow:
① You must be at least 15 to play at
webscape, since mature content is allowed. Remember to friends lock, mark and
LJ cut all entries that are rated NC-17.
② No OOC wank. Since the RP is based around an online virtual reality network, IC wank is perfectly fine (and even encouraged!). But keep all OOC wank off the community. IC ≠ OOC. If you have a problem with another player, please come to the mods.
③ Fourth walling is allowed on
webscape, but make sure you ask the other player before fourth walling their character! Not everyone enjoys having the fourth wall broken for their characters, so make sure it's alright before you do it. Godmodding is, as always, a big no no here on
webscape. You are responsible for your character's actions, not the actions of anyone else's. Metagaming is also against the rules here. Keep OOC knowledge OOC.
④ Tag all posts you make to the main community with your character's name and their universe number. This keeps things clean and orderly and helps us keep track of our characters.
⑤ Considering this is a virtual reality world your characters are communicating over, they'll be able to interact in 'person' over the network. This means all posts to the main community should be in third person format. Preferably script format, as it is easier and faster to keep up with, but we won't shoot you if you want to use prose.
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OOC Communityᗌ
About the Gameᗌ
Events Calendarᗌ
Taken Charactersᗌ
Reservations Postᗌ
Applications Postᗌ
Hiatus Notificationsᗌ
Dropping Postᗌ
Mod Inbox