sorry to have another angry entry

May 08, 2004 01:26

So i would say today was an excellent day. i went to bed last night in a good mood thinking that my day off today would just be a nice day. i was right on the money. I mean how often am i privelaged enough to be woken up by none other than shackleton at 7:30 this morning. I suppose asking someone before taking my car (a care that he is in no way qualified to drive) for a joy ride this morning and probably screwing with my transmission, is just not something he is used to, but it was alright i stayed calm and just brushed it off and asked that he not do it again. of course that would be far too much to ask of steve. he later attempted to take my care again, nearly running over my foot and stalling it. I figured that would be the end of the fooling around with my car for the day so i just locked it up and forgot about it. little did i know that it would later be the subject of another little trip by a different group of people. they decided to not only move my car down the street by also felt it funny to take my hat and blast some shitty music in my cd player. its funny how out of the the six cars parked at dell's house my was once the target. i suppose at this point i was pretty aggrivated however i chose not to retaliate. Its funny how a girl car change a man's entire attitude towards his friend. a certain someone felt that a life should be taken when some flower and water was removed from his home after strict instrustions not to. the wierd part is how he could care so much for food and yet not only not see anything wrong with taking a car but later briefly lecturing me about how im wrong for being upset about it. i might have understood if he was not at the time sitting next to one of the very people who thought the prank would be funny. not gonna hold it against him..he's my pall but i would have expected a little different from him. maybe im blowing this whole out of proportion and was just having a bad day. today will be better. sorry for getting angry with you ladies let's hope scott was right the first time he told me that yall wouldnt do anything more to anyone's vehicle. good night.
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