Episode 5: The Aftermath Before Lunch

Nov 26, 2011 14:36

A | Stone Street | Exterior

[When Peter shivered and reached over to pull the blanket over him, his searching fingers slapped cold floor tiles and what felt like dirt. What followed was a sequential restoration of his senses: first his legs registered a cool surface through his pajama pants, then his back reported a lack of cushioning supporting his frame, his neck ached in response to its stiff positioning, and his brain, instantly ticking off each report, concluded that he was not in his bed in his room, but was actually sprawled out on the floor of the downstairs bathroom. His eyes flicked open and he sat up. How did he get here? Coughing, he looked around and noticed dust and crumbling debris all around him. When he stood up and squinted into the darkness, he attempted to go upstairs and figure out what was going on. But there were no stairs to climb. He was standing in the only floor remaining of his home. The outside air swirled the dust around him, just barely illuminated by the dim early morning sunlight. Peter stumbled back and slapped his cheeks to check he was awake. He was.

But his house had been destroyed. And so had every single building in sight. Now he stands, hands on his hips, having no idea what to do next.]

B | Streets of Mayfield | Headed Uptown

[You'll see Peter, in pajamas, gingerly stepping through the streets. He feels so much like he's in the middle of... not exactly a nightmare, but one of those unusually dark dreams. The dreams in which there isn't so much of the gripping terrors or surprising freak-out moments, but more of a persistent dread, a constant atmosphere of wrong. This wasn't the way things were supposed to look or be, but it was like his feet were glued to a railroad track or amusement park ride and all he could do was keep going forward, taking it all in before the ride slowed to a halt.

He doesn't have a clue what's going on, but he did overhear the phone call regarding DA members congregating at the high school. He's not really a member, per se, but he was at the meeting, and he figures there isn't much else to be done. Hell, maybe he'll find answers there. Or a pair of shoes.]

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