Well I had my bath and hair wash today by Royalty so I'm feeling good. And much improved on earlier I have to say.
Sandi is also much improved, myself and visitors have noticed that her feathers seem better, with regular bedding changes she's scratching far less and most obvious of all, her comb! It used to be pale pink, dry and irritated looking, it's now almost a glowing red. And she rules the house lol
Saturday I got out, to Sutton Bank for a picnic but we didn't go on to where I intended as my father fell asleep in the car! Oh well. He slept for 1½hrs! I did get a photo too but it's Extremely rare I post pics of people. So I'm posting the pic I got of one of the many planes and gliders that took off over us. At least my mother and I got to talk, just chat something we never get to do even when she stays over as she's too busy getting on.