IC: He's rather content? Camp is sort of getting less interesting, but Raimei's still around, and that works well.
OOC: I'm not so sure what to do with him, really. He's constantly on a backburner, but I finally feel comfortable with him. And when I do make a post with him, I get a lot of response, so. I don't want to say I'll drop him. But he's pretty high.
Plans: iiiiidk. It's a spontaneous thing, throwing him out.
Chance of Dropping: 6-7/10. :/a
IC: is a girl! And sort of enjoying the hilariousness of it. He's kind of uninterested in anything else though.
OOC: I need to throw him out more, think up a mindfuck event with him or similar. But he's stale for me. It's getting stale to play him and I hate itttt guh
Plans: I HAVE NO IDEA MAN, Just keep him as a girl for a little longer.
Chance of Dropping: 6-7/10
IC: is so fucking bored and just wants out out out. But he also wants to stay, because at home, Kaistern would be dead. And he isn't, in camp. >:
OOC: Rath is a-okay, and I could probably drop him as easily as keep playing him.
Plans: Thread more. Jump more rapists.
Chance of Dropping: 7/5
IC: FML BUT LET'S SMILE AND TRY TO DEAL, others are worse off than me.
Plans: I never really plan for Chitose. I just play him whenever. Though I'd want something or someone to happen to him. In a positive way, of course.
IC: Content. Meg's here, and that's enough to make her happy. Now, Meg doesn't seem to be as happy, because Jo's not as attentive as she wants. BUT JO DOESN'T GET THIS. Communication is key. With words, even better. :|b
OOC: We good. She's not a main, and more of a heavy backburner, but she works. I could probably drop her easily, if Meg weren't in camp.
Plans: Throw her out more!
Chance of Dropping: 4/10, 9-10/10 if Meg drops.
OOC: Man, I. It's difficult to play 18 outside her own cast. And that happens even less than I'd like. I've managed to throw her out more lately though!
Plans: THREAD WITH MORE PEOPLE. Throw her into some event.
Chance of Dropping: 8/10
IC: ...................PEOPLE ARE RETARDED, pettings are nice, I hate being a cat, Krayon is insane, I miss Master Raenef, also Jack what do you want?
OOC: WE GOOD lololol
Plans: I'm not sure. He's currently carded, so I'm going to have to play on that a little, and I have a few people I want to jump with him. I've gotten him out more lately, and he's talking to more people. I generally feel like it's easier to play him now than before, though sometimes I worry that his new sort of "okay" with talking to people isn't really ic. So. Re-reading canon.
Chance of Dropping: 0/10
IC: Being eaten by a tree is much more traumatizing than he thought. Is coping with it. Is immensely grateful for that Rakan and Chigusa are in camp, and will get over it, hoping no one gets hurt in the process.
OOC: Still a bit shaky on his voice, but I'm getting better! I really love playing him.
Plans: Re-read canon when I have time.
Chance of Dropping: 0/10
IC: Uh. Just got his head ripped off and is DEAD. Will yell at the guilty one when he wakes up again, unless he'll be avoiding them. LIFE SUCKS RIGHT NOW, because he's incredibly disappointed.
Plans: No real plans. I throw him in spontaneously into posts. PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE APP BELUS ;o;
Chance of Dropping: 0/10 NEVER he's on par with Chitose.
IC: is a bit confused about the care shown to him in this place, but he's getting used to it. It's also amusing to him that the countries has personifications just like him.
OOC: Good good. I'm still a bit "maybe I play him too much/too little" and then I worry about his voice sometimes, but... I suppose it works. SOMEONE APP THE MOON. ;o;
Plans: Do a bigger post again.
Chance of Dropping: 2/10, but probably not gonna happen. I like him too much.
I feel a bit stagnated on some of my characters, and I should drop half and be done with it, but. I don't want to. I also am still planning to app other characters. It's like... the first ones in my lineup was like a test drive to find the type I am comfortable with. I'm not sure. I just feel burnt out on some and as if I'm just squatting on them.
I'm also almost at my limit of exhaustion. I think it's a good thing that I'm going away for the weekend :|b I will need to get out a bit.