Chibi Art: Happiness

Aug 05, 2013 02:12

Title: Happiness
Artist: brinimc
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Percy/Oliver, Merlin/Arthur
Rating: G
Materials Used: Photoshop
Notes: A few days ago I posted a poll of random words on my journal to see if the votes could inspire me rattled brain. Not only did bunnies produce by the first place, but also by the second place and the honorable mention.

First Place: Harry and Draco, Unicorns, Making Up for Harry’s Childhood, Happy, and Malfoy Manor.
Second Place: Percy and Oliver, Jealousy, Laundry, Puppies, and Silly.
Honorable Mention (As Requested by Kitty): "Merlin/Arthur with unicorns while playing mini-golf on the moon!"

Three Happy Couples
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