fics: sunny with a chance of/on the flip of a coin, pg-13/pg

Apr 09, 2012 02:26

title: sunny with a chance of
author: curiouslyfic
rating: pg-13
w/c: ~2k
a/n: Just a bit of pick-me-up fluff for brinimc, for the prompt "sunshine". Beta by uniquepov.
summary: In which there is sunblock and Oliver in swim trunks and fluff all over and tragically, no actual reading of Percy's book.

title: on the flip of a coin
author: curiouslyfic
rating: pg
w/c: ~3k
a/n: B-day gift, also for brinimc, for an hp_getlucky prompt about Oliver, Percy, and coin flipping with intent. Beta by kinky_kneazle.
summary: “Oliver, no one decides their life’s path on the whim of a coin flip. It just isn’t sensible.”
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