Review of Demons

May 06, 2005 21:56

Behind the cut to save space and the unspoiled:)

Oh and my review are okay but Monkee does some excellent reviews with quotes and her site is here:

Quick Summary: Samuels (some dude we've never seen before) has recalled Enterprise to Earth to witness the historic moment/conference of trying to make a charter to bring together what would be a federation of planets (The Federation). A dying woman grabs T'Pol claiming that they are going to kill "her." Her, through Ent crew's investigative work, turns out to be the daughter of Trip and T'Pol, a half-human baby. Problem is T'Pol has never been pregnant. They think it has to do with Terra Prima, a human supremicist group, bent on a earth without any aliens. So Trip and T'Pol go down to the mining facility, where they believe there is a hot bed of activity of Terra Prima, in search of their daughter. Turns out they are right...and get themselves kidnapped. Paxton, the leader of Terra Prima, brings out the big guns and has them focused on Earth (and as a demonstration conviently blew up a tiny chunk of the moon) with the ultimatium of every non-human leaving earth immediately or face the consequences... To be continued... the good stuff:)

Of course this is in droves;)
-Loved Trip seeking out T'Pol in her quarters after the news. There she is, acting as a Vulcan would act, meditating, trying to get her emotions under control. Trip acts as any human would. He needs to talk to her. Loved Trip trying to get a grasp on all of this. He thinks Phlox can't be wrong and yet he doubts that T'Pol is telling him the truth that she was never pregnant. I love her giving him personal space and then moving to a seat across from him, telling him that both she and Phlox are correct. She has never been pregnant and yet they have a child together. She just knows she tells him. It is unstated but we know it is the bond she shares with Trip and now this child. Beautiful.
-Loved Trip's talking to Phlox about this. He still holds a little doubt that T'Pol is telling him the truth and Phlox kindly but firmly tells him that T'Pol is telling the truth and he should keep his opinion to himself i.e. don't tell T'Pol. The message is recieved by a grateful Trip. It was great seeing him so happy about being a father, well at least he specifically says that his father (the baby's grandfather) will be pleased as he always harrassed Trip (now dead sister Lizze) for a grandchild. Wonderful to see Trip peppering Phlox with questions about the sex of the baby and its health. He really is pleased and concerned for the child. Phlox tells Trip the baby has his eyes and T'Pol ears. Isn't it amazing what one can tell from DNA LOL:) (Actually I have a distinct feeling that they were channeling Harry Potter LOL:) You look like your father but you've got your mother's eyes LOL:)).
-Loved Trip and T'Pol immediately voluntering to go on the covert mission. Also very subte but can tell Trip is influencing her via the bond, or its the after affects of all Trellium-D she took long ago, but she is fidgeting with her hands.
-Loved Trip and T'Pol's talk in the mining facility about how T'Pol knows that Trip doesn't entirely believe her. They both are some what annoyed by this bond and Trip makes it plain that he does believe her and to consult him first instead of jumping to conclusion about what she senses he is feeling.
-Loved Trip's reaction, after he is kidnapped and reunited with an injured (she was kidnapped after being shot)T'Pol. His concern is so apparant as he gazes fearful at her unmoving body and then as she slowly tries to sit up across the room. He quickly asks if she is okay. When she replies that she thinks so he immediately moves in to pummel the guy that shot her, but of course bad guys hold him back.
-Paxton's comment about the two of them being Romeo and Juliet, a pair of star-crossed lovers, is great and reminds one again of finally what an excellent job of contiunity the writers have done this season. (Trip in an earlier ep had mentioned that Romeo and Juliet had a better chance than the two of them).
-Trip's demand to see the child is given a v. long explanation of "No" by Paxton:(

Well obviouly no romance LOL but there was one nice scene where T'Pol (upon seeing Samuels posing with an Andorian for a picture) is very defensive of her Captain and tells Archer that Trip did have a point. She says it should be Archer posing with the Andorian. (Meaning that it was Archer who should be getting the credit for bringing these races together (and I agree heartily) and not Samuels). Archer is quick to point out that he is just fine with Samuels getting all the attention. This jives with what we know about Archer. He doesn't seem comfortable with the spotlight of fame and was sort of uncomfortable back in the episode Home when he was told they were changing the name of 3 high schools to name them after him for starters for defeating the Xindi.
The other nice scene was Archer's overt concern when Trip and T'Pol go missing.
Archer is doing everything he can to help Trip and T'Pol find their child.

At first I thought they seemed a tad obnoxious about this whole...we didn't get credit for this thing. But the more I think about it, they're right. They were the ones that got the ball rolling so to speak and now they seem to be a footnote.

Yeah for Travis finally getting something to do...and some...well for Travis...significant stuff! At first I was somewhat disapointed that it was the whole...well we might as well go with the well worn path of bringing in an ex...but I actually thought the whole thing was written well! Poor Travis!:( He really just comes off as such a sweet guy and it was so hard to watch his heart get stepped on by that awful Gannet!!!! Yep, turns out she's a spy for Terra Prima and she used him...emotionally and more:( Thanks to her Trip and T'Pol's cover is blown. Nice part of Traivs worrying about T/T. Nice part with Archer telling Travis he's sorry and Hoshi's sad look at him was nice too. On the bright side Travis is no longer considering staying on Earth and settling down with her. What a manipulative....

Confronting Gannet:
Yeah I just loved Archer, Reed, and Hoshi confronting Gannet with their evidence. I loved Gannet finally calling for her counsel. Well she isn't Starfleet, she's part of the press corps, so I don't know all the rules. But I think I detected a slight note of panic in her voice (evil laughter:)). Loved Archer telling Reed to take her to the brig. No one messes with Travis heart and gets away with it LOL:)

Yeah for return of Section 31!!!! I really thought that because of the end of the show we would never see Harris' promise that you don't walk away from Section 31. But yeah for bringing this back. Now I know Archer asked Reed to seek out Harris to find out about Terra Prima and the T'baby, but I still think that it puts Reed in a very precarious spot again. Harris defintely lets Reed know that he's back in their service. This isn't answers without strings attached...

Yeah it really was two seconds of: I'm concerned about Trip/T'Pol what are you doing? to I've heard nothing and I'm busy working on fixing these translators. But a girl can dream and write fan fic can't she LOL:)

Next week:
Well it really just focused on the series finale and not the rest of the two-parter, Terra Prima:( Actually, smote me yes, it didn't look that bad. But we know its going to be:( The Riker/Troi stuff seemed um interesting-but as Georgia says it really would have worked better as an ep in the run and NOT the series finale. I still feel that way. No mention at all of Phlox, Travis, Hoshi, or Reed:(

Checklist for next week:
Get tissues (check)
Remove sharp materials from viewing area (check)
Have car keys ready to head over to Enterprise wake with Georgia and Joan(check)

Note to self: Am going to miss this show!
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