Aug 02, 2013 00:58
So, I occasionally get a little hungry throughout the day, but that's because I'm NOT snacking on the free veggies between meals. The meals, however, are really tasty, even if they lack salt (GOD they lack salt!). Still, the results I've had so far are fantastic and make this all worth it.
I really loved the pizza toast breakfast, but I also loved the "peanut butter" and "jelly" oatmeal this morning, which was really almond butter and blueberries with cinnamon! So yummy (but someday soon I'll be allowed to use agave again and then, LOOK OUT WORLD)!
I haven't done the met-con workouts yet (except for one) because I'm lazy. But I HAVE been doing all my regular exercising in addition to the 45 minutes in the morning (which may be contributing to my marked results, though I DO feel the lack of calories and carbs in my diet during my afternoon Zumba classes). I feel like the met-cons are REALLY meant to tone muscles and build muscles to make the fat loss more prominent.
So far, since Saturday (the day before starting the eating plan), I am down 5.8 pounds, from 273 to 267.2
Friends who see me once a week have taken notice at Zumba, and asked me how long I've been doing Zumba because I look really good. HAH! I JUST noticed in the mirrors today that my calves look skinnier, and I told them about the diet, and everyone I tell about it is asking me for the recipes and plans to follow. I'm going to try to add the met-cons like I'm supposed to, but the one that I did made me REALLY REALLY sore the second day after it. Butterfly situps are HARD. The mountain climbers are even harder, because my body just doesn't move that way. Something (gut? thigh? calves?) seems to be in the way of that movement - it's Everest Mountain Climbers, not just the knee to chest climber.
Still, 5.8 pounds and two extra slices of bread at breakfast and a Snickers, I'll take it!