Random thing - espec from me the non harry potter person.
Our next exhibition is Harry Potter based (so I am making stuff - and checking with the harry potter peeps that I'm getting things right)
I was having a conversation with work mate/friend who is also a teacher - who is massively into Harry Potter but has never been on online fandom person. I mentioned the amazing meta and discourse that exists, and I said it was sad that Harry Potter had no gay characters in text.
She said that it wasn't possible because it was a kids series and it's not the place for romance.
My reply - so why was there all that heterosexual stuff in there?
And she honestly, had to stop for a moment before she could answer. (And her answer was literally 'damn how have I never actually seen that' followed by a flustered few minutes).
So there you go. All those people who argue that the reason there isn't gay romance in kids books is because romance and sexuality doesn't have a place in it, ask them why there's all the heterosexual romance then.
Like seriously, it's RARE in children's book with a plot for there not to be some kind of romance. It's just hardly gay. Teen books do it more, but broader age ranged books? So rare.
If there's no place for sexuality or romance stuff - why's it is there at all?
That said if anyone has any knit/crochet/stitch patterns that are Harry Potter book related, throw me links. ;)
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