006 - Written

Jul 21, 2011 22:27

[100% Standard Villain Filter]
[A weak filter against Eggman.]

I need to speak to someone who can update a certain list.

[Weak Filter to Splinter and Robert]
Professor Hastings I need to talk to you.

Splinter, I'd like to speak to you too.
[End All Filters]

[Weak Filter to Dilandau]
I've seem to have found some evidence that you've been here before.
[End Dilandau filter]

lame locks :(, trying to play it smart, has good reason to be paranoid, truce with eggman, truce can't end well, why is my friend on the v-list?, guardian, paranoid echidna is paranoid, secretive echidna is secretive, don't trust eggman folks!

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