amazing feats & unnatural skills

Oct 24, 2008 09:15

on the list of stories i don't have time to write bc i'm trying so hard to finish this other one of ridiculous length:

so pete and patrick are trying to break the guiness world record for how many radio interviews they can do in one day. they obviously sit around together all day talking about how they can spend MORE time together, and more than that, what record they can break.

i'm convinced that since antarctica, if not before, there is a well worn copy of the book of world records that lives on fall out boy's bus, and they pass it back and forth, like, "we could totally grow longer fingernails than anyone has ever had" or "i could totally become the youngest person ever to wear dentures" or "of course i can fucking eat 37 cockroaches in a minute, do i look like an amateur?"

anyway it goes on like this, one after another, things that make them sick, things that nearly get them killed. and all the time of course they're missing the point of it, the kind of thing that no judge could ever quantify and put down in a book to leave for all eternity. pete and patrick have made an epic album about their infinite love, duh, and whether or not it ends up in the book of world records their total obsession with each other is still the biggest thing either of them will ever do.

edit: for some reason (who knows), sometimes when i post these little fic-not-fics i lock them. because the wind blew a certain way that day. so, shameless self-pimping to say: "if you liked this not-story, you might love this one, about brendon in a Vegas musical..."

tightpants, fic

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