Feb 21, 2008 11:36
Over the past few months, Toushirou had noticed that he tended to gravitate back to FHUQ FM central when he wanted to study during the day. This wasn't a particular problem, as such, but he found it objectively interesting. His apartment was about the same distance away from his classes, and yet...he ended up here. Where there were distractions and people and noise. His apartment was tiny, but quiet and solitudinous. He had all of his things right there, in perfect order, where he could lay his hands on them whenever he wished or needed.
So it was something of a puzzlement that he consistently ended up poring over his books in the breakroom, largely ignoring the babble of voices that came and went, absently listening to whatever show was currently airing. Sometimes 'Shirou wondered what it meant, this inexplicable urge to insert himself into the tapestry of the world. He was completely and utterly self-sufficient, he didn't like people, and he was fairly certain that he could survive without the presence of anybody else in his life.
Well, it probably wasn't important, anyway. He let this riddle steam away in the back of his active young mind by itself, figuring that it would sort out one day if it needed to. His pencil darted out, creating notes in the margins of his textbook in careful hand.
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