
Oct 30, 2011 14:16

Age: Somewhere in the vicinity of 150, looks more late 30s.
Height: 6' I think.
Weight: HEAVY.
Medical Info: Utterly perfect health, will probably never be anything less. Does not scar and doesn't have any. Has adamantium metal bonded to his entire skeleton, including retractable claws in his arms. Also, mutant.

Eyes: Green.
Hair: Terrible. And brown.
Physical traits: Very fit, fairly well muscled, terrible hairstyle.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm pretty okay with anything. X-Men is a terrible clusterfuck as it is.
Abilities: Logan's mutant ability is super fast healing. Any wounds you give him will heal up usually in a matter of seconds, longer if it's extreme or he's near death for some other reason. His skeleton has adamantium grafted to it! Adamantium is meant to be unbreakable, so attempting to cut off his limbs is probably... tough. He has adamantium claws that extend out through his fists, which are very sharp and unpleasant if they come at your face.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: AMNESIA. Logan has very little memory of anything earlier than fifteen years ago. There are some flashes of the adamantium surgery he underwent, but other than that it's mostly a complete blank. It's implied that the memories are still in there, somewhere, just that they're locked off in some way until Logan is capable of remembering them on his own. So I'd appreciate it if psychics could not access those, or at least not easily. Xavier in the films refuses to do it on the basis that if Logan isn't ready on his own, it shouldn't be messed with.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Yes!
Maim/Murder/Death: Yes for maim, good luck with the rest.
Cooking: Probably can cook, he's lived alone long enough to have to.
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