031 -- Video / Action.

Feb 27, 2011 21:34

[Hello, Poly. Have a Shing peering outside his window to look at the City.]

Ah... it's time for that event again, isn't it--? There's a lot of people coming into town...

[There's a pause before Shing decides to hop up and out of his room, taking his device with him... he seems excited, for once -- hopefully he can find a way out of this place for good!]

[Private to Hiyori and Rita]

Hiyori, Rita -- it's time! Any of you want to join me and see where everyone disappears to when the event ends?



[There is a Shing approaching you now. Yes, you.]

Ah, hello! Um, is it okay if I ask you a few things?

(( OOC: Yep, he's out and about today -- feel free to bother. Ohyeaaaaaaah. Tags will be slow since I'm studying for an exam that's on Monday or Wednesday, too -- professor can't decide which day to have it on. Fun times. :| ))

hello visitors, serious moment...?, wow!, fourth wall event, whoa new people

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