Jan 22, 2011 21:51
[Hello, City! it's been a while since we've seen this derp, hasn't it?
The video feed turns on to a desk full of various books, amazingly enough... you'd almost think that the owner was in a library of some sort, but the bed in the background and the other knick-knacks around the room (including a certain small snowglobe from the Christmas event last month) indicate otherwise.
There's the sound of some light breathing as the device suddenly moves, sliding off the pile of books it was perched precariously on top of.
It lands on the surface of the desk with a quiet thump -- not that its owner seems to have noticed.
...speaking of, the video finally stops moving long enough so that it stops on front of its owner -- one Shing Meteoryte. He's currently asleep on top of an open book... wonder what he was studying?
Bother him? You know you want to.]
what's with the books,
derpy shing is a derp,
stupid shing