I have a
Lebowskifest ticket for this coming Thursday, yes I do! At long last! And on the Dude's home turf, even.
Saw Gran Torino at the cheapie theater on Thursday, thought it was a little long (some extraneous scenes) but pretty good. It was a bit simplistic/obvious in its some of its lessons, and I didn't totally like the ending. The guy playing the priest is a terrible actor. It played on a lot of different people's fears, and glorified a certain type of man that I'm not sure has ever existed except in Clint Eastwood movies. Fuck is he ever old. Don't smoke, kids, it'll kill ya. Anyway, pretty good overall, as said.
Il Divo last night and while the name suggests that it really should be about Madonna covering Devo songs, it is in fact about corrupt Italian politics (pardon the redundancy) and I enjoyed it as well, although sometimes I found it difficult to keep track of who was who. The only Italian politicians I'd heard of before seeing it were Berlusconi and
Cicciolina (who is not the only porn star to have served in Italian Parliament, I have found out), so it was good to get a little educated. Their system is so different from ours! Excellent cinematography, as well.
Did I mention that I went to a Hollywood movie premiere a few weeks ago? I did. The stars of the movie were there. It was fun.
American Violet.
Unrelated: I like the Novel Cafe, but the music is some satellite radio channel that plays nothing but acoustic guitar covers of aimed-at-women-age-18-to-40 pop/rock hits from the '90s, which is even worse than it sounds. And I should know, I worked at
Alice for two summers during college. Muzak would actually be an improvement.