Jun 03, 2007 15:05
God damn it, I'm bored with Con Law. My exam is tomorrow. I'm almost done with my outline. I just finished all the 14th Amendment-vs.-10th Amendment stuff and now I've got to deal with interstate commerce: the Commerce Clause in its active, Kilauea-like state and in its dormant, Vesuvius-like state.
My professor on the 10th Amendment: "The 10th Amendment emerges from its shallow grave in the Berkshires and starts stomping around San Antonio and the desert Southwest."
My professor on the Commerce Clause: "Here's the Commerce Clause. It's growing like kudzu through the United States... It's unstoppable. It's an invasive species."
On the Raich test under the Commerce Clause: "My walking around naked has value. Someone will pay to see that."
On our futures: "Don't be confused by the phrase 'legal ethics.' ... I'm sure some of you intend not to work in your lives, and I think that's admirable."
interstate commerce,