Apr 04, 2005 12:52
alone aging again
behind the bend binging badly in a box
cold and cauterized caught in a cats eye
dead of course dried dwindling depths
empty endorphines end of entity
fucking ferociously fornicating faker
grant my greed galant giveup guilt
hello hell he hesitates his honesty
it is invincible inconceivably intoxicating
jailed just for judging JAUNDICE
kill the king kiss the kingdom
lament lame0 least lavish in lush
my man manifests into meaning and matter
nobody nearby no nessecity night needs
of others, on opiates, open orfices
quiet quivering quills quarantined
revolutionary rape reverend of the rich
stop suicide see selectively seduction seclusion
tarnished traced to torture tainted
unforgivable upside undone
verily viscerated veiled
willing wallowing wretched wench
xxx=death death death
you yern yeoman for yesteryears