January 4, 2011

Jan 04, 2011 21:53

It is a new year, dear world. I am not, and never really have been, one for resolutions. I won't try feeding you some bullshit about thinking that resolutions shouldn't just be for the new year, they should be for everyday of your life because I don't believe that for a second. Mostly, I find that resolutions are just another way to disappoint yourself when you inevitably don't follow through.

And my mother calls me a cynic. Hmm.

I must move back into my dorm room in exactly 1 week and I am none too pleased about it. I go to a small private college located smack in the middle of the country. There are barely 2000 students that matriculate there and it is a place where everybody knows your business. The mere thought of diving back into that cesspool is going to give me hives. The one thing that people never told me about college is the lack of privacy. It isn't so much about having to share a bathroom or a room (though I don't consider either of those a picnic), it's the fact that, no matter where you go, you're never alone. I'm a fairly solitary person and the idea of having to dive headfirst back into that environment absolutely freaks me out.

Well, I do believe that's enough whining for the night. Until tomorrow, my friends.
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