Getting back on the bike.

Dec 04, 2004 15:12

Right my girls. Hangover defeated by the combined forces of sleep and sheer bloody willpower yaay! And guess what? Gary/David Muse fit and well and gagging for an outing. Dedicated to Arie aka chelseaurchin aka self-proclaimed smut mercenary as continued thanks for her luvverly smut cadeau and certainly inspired by it. Her genius made me shrivel like the proverbial salted snail for while but perhaps the force is still with me. And as Dark Lord and his Earl are suffering the pangs of separation (telepathy notwithstanding) it’s time for them to have another frolic. Oh yes. They do frolic. NC17 frolicking at that.

Title: Problem Solved.
Pairing: The Love Most Canon.
Rating: Naughty naughty NC17.
Disclaimer: For several reasons, this can only be described as fantasy.
Notes: Love the old feedback naturlich. And the ending is a bit well, nuts I spose. But hey. It’s slash. And normality doesn’t apply.

“Find someone else. Please Gary. Just fucking find someone else.”

“Yeah. Heard you the first time. And now you’re giving me a headache.”

He touched his fingertips to his forehead just below his hairline. His brain pulsed angrily.

“He’s not good for you anymore.” Elbows resting on the table, Phil leant forward trying to make eye contact with his brother.

“You’ve said that already. More than once. Just leave it eh? If I’m fucked up its my problem, not yours.”

“Fine.” The chair legs scrapped noisily on the kitchen floor as Phil stood and stepped back, resigned, frustrated. “Be like that. I’m your brother, I’m entitled to love you and worry about you. Fuck it though. I’m sick of it. How many times do I have to listen to you trying to be brave and not managing it? Fuck it. I’m going.”

Staring resolutely downwards, Gary waved a dismissive hand in Phil’s direction.

“See you then. You know where the door is.”

“Gary?” The steel in Phil’s tone of voice forced Gary to twist round in his seat to look at him.

“Yeah?” He spat it out.

“Stop being an idiot. He’s gone.” And a brief moment later, Gary heard the slam of the front door, and then the sound of car wheels on the gravel outside.

The pain in Gary’s temple intensified. He dropped his head into his hands and squeezed it hard, pressed his thumbs against his dark eyes. Christ Phil’s right, he thought. I can’t live like this. We can’t live like this. Every time I see him it gets worse. I’d cut out the part of me that loved him but there’d be nothing left.

The mobile on the glass tabletop vibrated violently, insistently and danced across the smooth surface towards him. When Gary reached for it he was shocked at the way his hand trembled. Clenching his fist and then relaxing it to still his muscles he picked it up and squinted at the display. Text. David.

“Where r u?”

Ah. His lover’s usual semi-illiterate approach to English. In a supreme act of will Gary inhaled hard and hit the delete key. Got to start somewhere, he mused miserably, grasping the phone tightly in his sweating palm. God I’m so fucking tired. He stood slowly, body aching, head aching and walked across the kitchen towards the hall. The device is his hand jangled again.

“Where r u luv?”

In fucking Manchester, Gary thought bitterly. Where the fuck do you think I am? Delete. Instantly, another buzz in the crevice of his palm.

“Go 2 bck door.”

Gary froze in his tracks and stared back across the kitchen. In a trance he approached the door that led to the garden, numb senseless fingers battling with the locks and pulled it open.

First a blast of freezing air. Then David’s strong arms around him, and David’s mouth hard on his, then gloved hands pushing through his hair. David’s soft tongue pressed between Gary’s lips, forcing them open. God, thought Gary. God how does he do this? How does he know?

“Hey.” David’s mouth dropped into the soft hollow of flesh beneath Gary’s ear, warm breath on his skin. “Answer your fucking texts yeah? Awkward bastard. I knew Phil was here, so I parked about a mile away and walked up through the fields and waited outside until I heard his car leave. He’s not exactly in love with me at the moment, I know that much. Look at these boots.” He glanced down, smiling, pulling off his gloves and stuffing them in his jacket pockets before stripping it off and throwing it across the back of the nearest chair. “Covered in God alone knows what. Fucking countryside. Just a big shithole really.” Stretching out his hands he wrapped them around Gary’s neck, cradling the back of his head and ruffling the hair at the nape.

“God you have fantastic hair. Have I ever told you that? It’s so beautiful I could fucking eat it.”
Gary couldn’t look at him. He escaped from David’s arms and stepped round him to close the door.

David reached for him again, taking his hand and massaging it tenderly with his fingers.

“What’s up baby? Hello would be nice.” That smile again. Those eyes sparkling in the way they only could when he was with the man loved.

Shaking his head, dumb with fear, Gary struggled to find the words.

“Can’t do this…..sorry.” Fight or flight. Uncharacteristically, he chose flight and hurried away from David toward the centre of the house.

“Gary? What is it? Listen to me, I’ve….”

Looking over his shoulder as he fled Gary brokenly pleaded with him.

“No, I can’t. I can’t listen anymore. David I just can’t.”

David flew towards him, grabbing his arms just as he reached the foot of the staircase and spinning him round.

“Stop this. Stop it now.” He ran his hands across Gary’s chest tearing open his shirt, hauling it off his shoulders and down his arms and kissing the line of his collarbones, licking his dark nipples.

“No David.” Gary tried. He really tried, he told himself. But when David pulled him down to the carpet, ripping off his clothes, before running his tongue along his hipbones, he felt that familiar powerlessness in the presence of beauty, of love. He reached out, grabbed the lowest banister of the staircase to steady himself as David’s mouth travelled across his body before latching warmly, firmly onto his cock. Arching his back, Gary felt his cock sliding along the groove of David’s tongue, the head brushing the hard surface of the roof of his mouth. His surrender was suddenly complete. My fucking body, Gary thought, fucking betraying me again. He always wins. And then he leaves.

David lifted his head, his smile tinged with playful menace, moving up Gary’s body to kiss him gently on the lips.

“OK then,” he murmured, mouth an inch away from Gary’s, one hand supporting his body weight as the other pulled down his jeans far enough to release his swollen cock. “If you’re going to be like that, let’s play rough shall we?”


“Shut up my love. If you won’t listen to me, I’m sure as fuck not listening to you.”

Taking Gary’s left calf gently in his free hand, David rested it on his shoulder, then pushed his cock confidently, almost aggressively into Gary’s body. No resistance, just a shudder of joy and strong practised muscles holding him tight. Gary’s head thumped against the bottom step as David rode him, gently at first, finding the pace he knew Gary loved, the one that made him forget everything else in the world, all the pain, all the fear. He gazed at Gary’s face. God that hair, he thought, seeing it darkening at the roots as the sweat drenched Gary’s forehead. David ran his hand across it then sank his fingers into its rich depths.

Gary’s grip on the banister tightened as he used it to brace himself, to press his hips harder against David, taking as much of him inside as he could. His eyes closed tight as his neck snapped back and he felt David’s kiss under his jaw.

“Close baby?”

Yes, yes he was. Gary nodded frantically in dumb assent and then was suddenly aware that David had stopped moving apart from an almost imperceptible gentle thrusting, his hand resting on Gary’s firm flat stomach.

“Good. Then listen to me.”

David kissed the corner of his mouth, the edge of his cheekbone.

“I’m coming back. Shhh, don’t talk.” The rocking began again, David’s cock sliding deep and hard inside Gary, who stared at him in complete amazement. “January. So you can take me to Old Trafford and fuck me in the equipment room, just like before. And….” Now he was riding Gary harder, recklessly, hands on his waist to maximise the force of his movements, caressing the curves of flesh in his sides. “Oh God Jesus Gary you feel good…then you can fuck me in the trophy room….Christ, that’s it….”

“David, you’re….” Did he say it? God is he…? Trying to hold back, trying to make this moment last, Gary held his breath, spasms wracking his body, his cock vibrating furiously against his belly, his fingers raking David’s back.

“Shhhh. Oh God, Gary…and I can take you, nrghh, to my new club and fuck you under the This Is Anfield sign and………Jesus Gary, love you, love you so much.” He dropped his hand to the point at which his cock was invading Gary’s body, stroked the edges of the circumference, feeling his flesh undulate with each thrust. And it was suddenly so real and so raw and so right that he had nowhere else to go but to that place where he only went when his body was part of Gary’s.

“Christ, Gary, I’m…….”

David came hard, shooting inside Gary’s body as Gary’s cock exploded against the straining muscles of David’s stomach with one breathless and entirely inappropriate word on his lips.


Liverpool. Fucking hell. He felt David collapse beside him and pull him into his arms, lips brushing his hair, panting breath separating the dark strands.

“Liverpool?” he said again, as if David had just told him he was signing for Narnia.

David’s laughter shook both their bodies.

“Yeah I know. It was the closest I could get to you. Apart from City of course but….”

“Yeah. Tricky that one. Fuck David I love you so. You’re mad. What have you done?” Gary thought his heart would burst with joy.

“What I had to do my love to keep you. To make you happy. You are happy aren’t you?”

Gary twisted in David’s arms and lean up to kiss him. A different kiss, he noted ecstatically. A kiss that was about the future, not about the past.

“Fuck off. Stop fishing. And look at these fucking carpet burns.”
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