
Feb 07, 2008 23:51

OK, so y'all may have been following Felis' data-loss travails, and from that you may have gleaned that I got a new MacBook, which she is able to use while her hard drive walks, slowly on stubby feet, from Halifax.

So, it will be here in a few days and then we'll be all wrapped up leaving just one leftover: my old Powerbook.

So, I have for sale 1:

15" Aluminum Powerbook
OSX 10.5 Leopard
1.5 GHz G4 processor
CD/DVD Burner
Airport Extreme (802.11g)

But WAIT, there's less!

The battery only lasts about 20 minutes, and it's been dropped a few times, so there are multiple dents. Also, one drop was onto the power adapter, so the connection inside the connector is not always great. The original power adapter is dead-ish, so I have a 3rd party replacement which is OK, but not great, and needs some electrical tape.

It's a great machine if it never leaves the desk. With a new battery it will be able to travel or be in your lap ok, but you'll want to keep an eye on the power connection when shifting around.

OK, so you know the caveats, do I hear $500 ?
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