Feb 04, 2008 11:35
So the Borders closest to our house just closed down. There is a BN closer, so I'm not that upset, but it had one particular advantage, it was near the garage. It's much less of a hardship to wait 5 hours for a car repair if you can hang at a bookstore. It's interesting, Felis and I have opposite opinions of Borders, but for the same reason. She likes them because they separate horror into it's own section, so it's easier to see what's new there. But they don't do that with computer books, they are all glommed into one giant bookcase and arranged alphabetically, which is why I don't like them as much.
Anyway, they had 40% off of everything in the store. By the time we got there, it looks like a cracked-out class of 3rd graders had been through it, bit there was still a good selection. As could be predicted by putting Felis and I in such a situation, we "restrained" ourselves and only spent $232. It was for over $400 worth of stuff though!
We avoided music and DVDs as much as possible, since that would have doubled our haul.
I got two newish Tom Waits CDs, CD versions of The Tipping Point (I totally have a crush on Malcom Gladwell) and The Black Swan. Plus The Difference Engine (Arisia reminded that I hadn't, but should, read it), The Society of S, Pretties, Specials, (Uglies was great), Light (by M John Harrison).
Felis got her own giant pile, which she can tell you about.