"I can be your umbrella baby, so get over yourself and get under me."

Sep 16, 2008 14:26

It's amazing the lengths some people will go to to try and make your life miserable.  Especially people that don't even know me.  It's okay to be bitter for the first few months after a break up but it's not okay to be bitter a year later.  It's not cool to tell someone's friends that they died in a car accident.  It's not cool to IM someone's girlfriend and tell them that their boyfriend is cheating on them with you.  It's sad and pathetic.  Especially for someone that should know better and is older.

It's more sad than it is bothersome.  I wish she could get over herself and not try and hurt people.  I feel bad for her because she needs psychological help.  I hope she gets it.  But at the same time, it's rather funny to me that someone can be THAT jealous over something that was never her's in the first place.  She knew he was always mine and that killed her.  Even when they were dating, he was still mine.  He loved me the whole time and I'm not saying that to flatter myself.  It's the honest to God truth and everyone knows it.  Even his friends knew that he wasn't over me.  His friends love me and think I'm a great perfect girl for him.  I know that hurts her because she was sucky.  But one day she'll be okay I suppose.

But anywho,
  on a less dramatic note.

Everything's been going pretty well lately.  Not too many upsets ::knock on wood::.  I had people over on Saturday night and I hope everyone had an awesome time.  I had a good turn out and the cops weren't called or anything.  It was awesome.  I was kind of pissed that I said BYOB and no one brought anything.  No one else brought a drop of alcohol.  I mean, I had some stuff, like a case of beer (not Busch or Natty or anything, but nice stuff) and a huge thing of Skyy Vodka and stuff to mix it with and a 12 pack of Mike's Hard for myself.  Everyone drank everything to the last drop, including my MIke's.  I should have kept it in a cooler in my room.  And that seemed to suffice but it wasn't fair.  Now I know how people feel when everyone comes to party at their place and doesn't bring anything.  From now on, I'm bringing my own stuff everywhere.  That way I won't feel bad and that way I'll have enough to drink.

I hope everyone's life is going well and leave me some love or something.
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