"That's right. I kick ass for my lady!"

Jul 24, 2008 13:21

I've been reading all the missed entries that my friends have written and it sounds really bad to say, but my life seems to be pretty good right now.  Sure I've got money troubles, like everyone else, but other than that, family's good, friends are good, jobs are good, boyfriend is good.  All is well.  I've been hanging out a lot with Andrew and things have been going amazingly well (hopefully that won't jinx it).  This time around (dating wise) we hardly fight and we enjoy spending time together.  I trust him more than I ever have.

I've been going to the beach and enjoying it.  I finally have tan lines!  YAHOO!!!  That's a first.  That's what I get for being a pasty red-head though!  Oh well.

I've been babysitting a lot and making pretty good money.  Still not enough though.  Rent and bills are killin me.  I can't wait til school starts and I get my financial aid.  I got like...4 g's more than I need, that way, I won't have to pay rent out of my pocket anymore.  Come on September!

I also can't wait for classes to start either.

I saw "The Dark Knight" last Saturday and it was great!  I didn't want to see it because it's not really my kind of movie (I prefer romantic comedies) but it was still great.  Heath Ledger (I didin't really care too much for him as an actor either) was SOOOOOOO good as the Joker.  He was crazy and funny and just all around demented.  I wonder what they're going to do for the next movie since (SPOILER ALERT!!!) the Joker doesn't die in the end.  he's just left hanging from that building.  I doubt they'll find anyone as good as Heath Ledger was in that movie!

Anywho, I love the beach.

I miss my family.  They're too far away.

I've been making really easy peach cobbler lately.  It's making me need to work out.  haha.

Anywho, babbling.

TTYL haha
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