Feb 12, 2005 01:38
Yesterday afternoon, I saw one of the crappiest movies ever made: Boogeyman. You know a movie is in trouble when the "biggest" star on the cast is Barry Watson from 7th Heaven. I can't even begin to describe all the things that went wrong (besides the craptasitc casting, dialouge, etc.)...so I'll just say it freakin' sucks ass & leave it @ that. haha
Well, my main reason for this "update" was to say that my Lenten sacrifice will be LiveJournal & Myspace. So until the day after Easter, I won't be using those two things in any way (browsing, posting, & whatnot). They're things that take up a lot of my time, and it'd be nice to find other, maybe more productive ways to spend it. So if you would like to contact me for any reason during then, email me at slaygal333@yahoo.com or IM me (donmarxx). Thanks dudes, and I shall see you all next month!
Peace, Love, & Cheese. :D